Congratulations! Planning a wedding is an exciting time, but we know it can be daunting so we offer lots of support. First, our wedding co-ordinator will guide you through the initial planning and admin. Then, the person taking the service will work with you to plan your ceremony, helping to make it meaningful and special to you both. They will also be praying for you.
We believe that marriage is about more than just the wedding day, so to help you make the best start to married life we offer preparation sessions beforehand. Follow this link to find out more.
Contact us about having your wedding at the church.
For more information about church weddings visit
A new baby is a precious gift. We love helping families celebrate the birth of a child. There are two ways you can choose to do this:
Thanksgiving services – where we say “thank you”; to God for the life of a child. Prayers are said, the child is named and blessed, a Christian gift is given and you can chose people to act as sponsors for the child. This is a way of publicly celebrating your new addition to the family in church and asking for God’s support, help and blessing.
Baptism – this an important service for families who want to bring up their child as a follower of Jesus. Water is poured on the child’s head and prayers are said. Baptism is the main mark of membership of church and parents who have their child baptised promise to bring them up as a Christian – including coming regularly to church and encouraging their child to pray and read the Bible.
Ulverston Parish Church is here to help you through life’s most difficult times. A funeral here is available to everyone, and we give you support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed. Arrangements would normally be made through the Funeral Director, but you are free to contact us directly at any time with a question or concern.