August 5th – Jesus the Bread of Life

Rev Alan Bing 5th August 2018

Rev Alan Bing tells how God provided manna to his people in the Wilderness, both as a promise of his faithfulness and a test of their obedience to his commands. God was taking the people on a journey from slavery in Egypt to the promised land, and was teaching them to rely on his provision through every circumstance. Jesus was also teaching his disciples that we need to feed on Christ and on his word, to be regular in our reading of God’s Word, in our church attendance, in support one another through our small groups, in prayer. In the Wilderness experience, God gave his people just what they needed for each day. If they tried to store up more than they needed it rotted away. We also need to be satisfied with just what we need. To be grateful, and prepared to share God’s provision and his blessing with those who are in need.