Update from the UPC Restoration Mission Planning Team from January 2020 to February 2021


Change of team members

In 2020 we welcomed new team members. Anthony Bryson, Paul Daltry and Colin Dykes as project manager.
We also said a fond farewell to Martin Sekasi.


Our project enquiry to the National lottery Heritage Foundation (NLHF) received positive feedback and it is hoped that we may successfully bid for a medium bid (up to 250K) from them for the Church building provided we can demonstrate our heritage and:

  • Support local health and wellbeing
  • Encourage re-building community cohesion
  • Build long term environmental sustainability

We have produced a community engagement plan and proposed several heritage projects.
Due to Covid-19 the NLHF suspended funding while they divert funds elsewhere. We await notice of their re-opening. In the mean-time we are preparing a smaller bid to the National Churches Trust for the rainwater goods on the Church building. Preparation for this bid will provide us withmost of the documentation needed for a swift application to the NLHF when it re-opens. UPC now has an entry on Explore Churches (www.explorechurches.org/church/st-mary-holy-trinity-ulverston) A list of other potential funders has been shared and a smaller funds sub-team formed.

Planned Repair Work

Our main focus remains the Church building & Tower. Our architect has noticed a marked acceleration in the deterioration of the stonework over the last 18 months (pictured: architect & stone mason inspecting recent decay). Some short-term repairs and further inspection work are being carried out. The priority work is to:

  • Bell Tower
  • Bell Ringing room
  • Church Rainwater goods
  • Churchyard Repairs

 Our Architect is undertaking design work for these aspects of the project.


Parish Centre

Plans for the Parish Centre are now more modest due to the spend anticipated for the church building. We have welcomed the local foodwaste project into the Parish Centre and are hoping to establish long term links with them which may influence our re-furbishment plans. A full structural survey to this building will be  undertaken in due course.


Church Bells

A faculty and funding for the work to the bell frame has been approved, the bell frame must be stabilised, the bell bearings and running gear replaced. Work will start in spring 2021.


The monument mapping project is more than halfway at 1001 man hours.  All monuments within the  church building and grounds have had inscription details taken, been photographed and geo-located.
The next phase is a digital mapping product. UPC volunteers will correlate monument numbering systems so the monument map, inscriptions & photos can be uploaded for viewing online.

We have a Churchyard sub-group responsible for making safe and enhancing the outside space. The priority is essential maintenance and repair work.
Later projects will include mission and community initiatives enhancing our capacity for education and wellbeing. We will focus on biodiversity as part of our eco-church status, wellbeing in our quiet garden and at coffee and chat, also educational opportunities for schools and local community groups through our various heritage projects.

Recent Work

Survey work on the damp in the tower walls (photo of two men on our bell tower) was undertaken on 4 Feb 2021.