UPC Prayer Diary
Spring 2021
We hope you will find this diary helpful in guiding your prayers for our church and community. If as you pray you sense God speaking to you, or you would like to pray with someone please contact us by emailing prayer@ulverstonparishchurch.org or by phoning the Parish Office 01229 588081.
1st Feb This week please pray for our church family and our local witness.
Give thanks for those who have offered skills or taken on new roles to enable our worship to continue during the last 12 months.
Thank God for those who have joined local online Alpha courses in 2020 and 2021.
Pray for our social media ministry, that it can be effective in outreach and connecting people during the continued restrictions.
Pray for Alpha that those who don’t know Christ may come to faith in Him.
8th Feb Over the next 7 days pray for our children, youth and their families
Please pray for the youth who are attending Youth Alpha online. Pray they appreciate a safe space to explore faith and that they come to know God for themselves.
For children learning from home – Pray for families who are juggling home learning and working from home.
School staff – Please pray for educators who are working so hard to provide safe, fun and educational learning opportunities for children.
15th Feb Our Restoration Mission is offered as a focus for prayer this week
We thank God for all those who over centuries have worshipped God in our church buildings and have maintained them as places for worship and ministry.
Praise God for signs of His creation in our churchyard and for the opportunities it provides for us to care for His creation..
As we seek to maintain our buildings pray for a spirit filled vision, wisdom and unity for the Building Team as they prioritise the work and seek funding.
22nd Feb Please pray this week for our mission partners
Thank God for the opportunities to connect with and pray for those engaged in mission in other parts of the world.
Pray for the Lee family and the Wallace family as they are separated from their wider family being on different continents.
Pray for the work of TEARFUND, ‘following Jesus where the need is greatest’. Pray for good honest and productive relationships with partner organisations as tey transform communities and bring relief.
1st Mar Please pray for our church family and our local witness this week
Give thanks for all the ways that we have been able to continue to worship and stay connected to one another during the COVID-19 crisis.
Give thanks for the ways God has spoken to us as His people.
Pray for a strengthening of our local witness. Pray for our relationship with the Food Waste Project as we seek to partner with them.
Pray UPC emerges from lockdown more engaged than ever with our community.
8th Mar – We return to prayers for our children, youth, and their families
Please pray for the Network Youth Church across Cumbria. It is a network of places and activities where youth can grow in faith. Pray for the growth of the work, for the leaders and the opportunities to work together.
Junior Church – Please pray for the new parent leaders, that God would give them confidence to use their unique gifts and skills to empower and educate our youngest church members.
Please pray for the maintenance of good mental health of all our young people.
15th Mar Please pray this week for our Restoration Mission
Thank God that our church buildings are a resource that we can use to love and serve the local community, pointing those who enter them to Christ.
We thank God for the FUNdraising initiatives that have reconnected people with our church.
We pray for wisdom for the PCC as they decide how to use of the churches reserves to fund work on the buildings.
22nd Mar Our focus for prayer for the next 7 days is our mission partners.
Thank God for those who work for FUSION a Christian organisation supporting Christian students and reaching out with the gospel on campus’ around the UK Pray for those from our own congregation who are away at university.
Thank God for the work of CPAS which supports and gives guidance to church leaders.
Please pray for the hospice and the opportunity support their work and provide chaplaincy support. Pray we can witness to the love of God there.
29 Mar: Our prayers this week focus on our church family.
Thank God for all the blessings you receive from being part of our church family.
Please pray for our staff team, Church Wardens and PCC members. That they will be refreshed in faith as they serve the church in their varied roles.
Give thanks to God for our musicians who enrich our worship. Pray that we will all grow in our relationship with God as we worship in a variety of way and styles. Pray also for those who are part of our family but are unable to join services.
5 Apr- Please pray this week for all our children, youth and their families.
We give thanks for all the children and youth that UPC connects with.
Faith at home – Please pray for opportunities for parents to share their faith and disciple their children in engaging and authentic ways.
New parents – Pray for parents who have had babies in lockdown. Pray for God’s comfort and peace on their lives while they can’t seek face to face support and comfort from other parents at baby and toddler groups.
12 Apr– Over the next 7 days we will be praying for our Restoration Mission.
Thank God for all who give financially to our church enabling our ministry and providing resources for development.
Please pray for those making difficult decisions about how best to use our resources.
Please pray that we will honour God in the use of our premises and that as our buildings are restored so too will lives in Ulverston be restored.
19 Apr Please pray this week for our mission partners
The Barnabas Fund supports those persecuted for their faith. Thank God for the opportunity to support their work.
Please pray for those you know from UPC who have responded to God’s call to enter full time ministry.Pray for Hannah and Greg Wallace and the children as Hannah continues her ordination training.
As Christian Aid Week comes round again in March pray that as a church we will be energised to look outward and respond generously to needs around the world.