Sunday 9th January 2022


“John answered all of them by saying, ‘I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Luke 3:6

There is also a PDF version of this notice sheet, with additional graphics and full colour, which you may prefer for your own use or to pass on to friends and neighbours.


This week’s Bible readings 

  • Isaiah 43.1-7a
  • Acts 8.14-17
  • Luke 3.15-17,21-22

Want to listen to the sermon again?
Go to

Living in Love and Faith

… is a project which invites us to learn together about life, relationships, sexuality and marriage. It goes with a five-part video-based course which we will be running in the Parish Centre (Room 3) on Monday evenings from 24th January.

If you would like to take part in this, please contact the church office.


Jigsaw Christmas Appeal Update

Dear friends THANK YOU and ALL Jigsaw supporters for your wonderful prayers and amazing gifts for Jigsaw’s Christmas appeal 2021. We are amazed and so thankful for such a fantastic response to the Christmas appeal, thank you.
We thank God that we amazingly received over 5000 pounds for the Christmas parties, more than we had hoped enabling Jigsaw to provide wonderful parties for more than 2500 children and young people. The extra funds enabled Jigsaw to give out presents to children in need attending the Living Streams Church near by.
The amazing news is that because of the reduced covid numbers in the Philippines over December the staff were able to carry out all the parties face to face, making the parties even more important as children, staff and families gathered together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The children and young people heard the Christmas story, had a delicious hot meal and received a wrapped up gift. Jigsaw community team leaders send their HUGE THANKS to each of you for all your prayers and gifts that made the parties possible and brought the love, joy, hope and peace of Jesus to so many.


Jigsaw Van appeal. Goal 14,000 pounds, funds given 8750 pounds: Funds needed 5250 pounds.
Thank you to everyone SO VERY MUCH for your prayers and amazing gifts towards a new Jigsaw van. We are well on our way with 8750 pounds of 14,000 pound needed to buy a new van, Praise God.



We are very grateful to Jen Cox, who is standing down after nearly three years as our Administrator and has overseen some significant changes, such as the introduction of Church Suite.
Please look and pray for the right person as we advertise this post and seek to recruit her successor.

Ministry Opportunities

One of the wonderful things about being part of the Body of Christ (the Church) is that we all have a part to play. God has given all of us different gifts, passions and vocations. We find fulfilment when these are exercised and used, and as the Holy Spirit works among us, we have a positive impact on the church and on society. Here are some of the opportunities for ministry within Ulverston Parish Church. Please speak to one of the church leaders or contact the church office if you would like to serve in one of these areas:


Ministry Opportunities at Ulverston Parish Church

Tech Support – livestreaming, telecoms, AV, Facebook, hardware, software*
Administration – phone calls, emails, general office work*
Finance – Treasurer, book keeper, fees secretary
Communications – social media, church website, Church Life, photography

Sunday Services – welcomers, refreshments, AV, intercessors, bible readers, sacristans*
Music – musicians, singers, sound crew
Church Bells – ringers, tower maintenance

Alpha – leaders, hosts, helpers, publicity, child-care
The Lunch Bunch – set-up, publicity, welcomers
Pastoral Team – visiting, Home Communion, funeral follow-up
Ulverston Food Waste Project – set-up, van drivers, welcomers, shelf-stockers

Churchyard – gardeners, grass-cutters, leave-sweepers
Parish Centre – bookings, manager*
Eco Church – promoting biodiversity, reducing emissions, encouraging wildlife
Maintenance – keeping our buildings in good repair*

Home Groups – hosts, leaders, helpers, refreshments
Summit (young adults) – leaders, publicity, hosts
Toddlers – set-up, refreshments, welcomers
Junior Church – leaders and helpers*
Youth Group – leaders and helpers*
Parish Fellowship – leaders, helpers, refreshments

* in particular need of volunteers

FACEBOOK GROUPS you might find useful

‘Ulverston Parish Church’
‘UPC – Church Family’
‘Faith 4 Furness Families’
‘Self Isolation Ulverston’


We would love to hear from you!
Send your news, encouragements, prayers or pictures to