Sunday 3rd October 2021
‘No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth’.
Matthew 6:24
There is also a PDF version of this notice sheet, with additional graphics and full colour, which you may prefer for your own use or to pass on to friends and neighbours.
This week’s Bible readings
- Psalm 126
- Matthew 6:24-33
Want to listen to the sermon again?
Go to

Harvest Thanksgiving
Our Harvest Thanksgiving is on Sunday 3rd October. Our offering will go to Tearfund, one of our mission partners, who are currently prioritising the crisis in Afghanistan. If you are giving by bank transfer, please identify your gift as ‘Harvest Offering’. Please use the white gift aid envelopes if you are bringing your offering to church and write on it “Harvest Offering” , so that the money is correctly allocated.
On Thursday 14th October, we will be having a retreat day for the Furness Mission Community from 10am to 4pm at The Kepplewray Centre. This will be an opportunity for praying, planning and some ‘blue sky thinking’ as the Mission Community comes into being. Lunch will be provided.
We are looking for two members of UPC to join Madi Simpson, Ruth Hutchings and Alan Bing at the day, so that the whole church family is represented. Please contact one of us in you are interested.

Many thanks to Louise Taylor, who is stepping down from organising the Ladies Film Night. If anyone else is interested in taking this on, please speak to Louise Taylor.
Mental Health Ministries
Would you like to feel more confident in the area of mental health (MH) in church? Are you running a project where more awareness of MH would be helpful for your team? Would you like to do a MH course which you could then use in your church?
Sanctuary Resources help prepare communities of faith to raise awareness, reduce stigma, support mental health, and promote mental wellbeing.
The Sanctuary Course is an eight-week course through which people will gather together over Zoom, learn something about the theological, psychological and social aspects of MH, watch a film, and engage in conversation, reflection, and pray together.
The Diocesan Healing Ministry Team will be running this free course on Mondays from 1.30pm- 3.30pm, starting on Monday 4 October.
For more information see
To book a place or for further queries contact Dr Alison Fleetwood, email
How 1866 did in 2021!?!
UPC Heritage Day was busy, bustling and a blessing! Fascinating facts, tantalising tales from our guestspeakers, visitors from near and far and SO much delicious cake! Watch for more photos in church…

FACEBOOK GROUPS you might find useful
‘Ulverston Parish Church’
‘UPC – Church Family’
‘Faith 4 Furness Families’
‘Self Isolation Ulverston’
We would love to hear from you!
Send your news, encouragements, prayers or pictures to