Sunday 25th July 2021
‘When Jesus realized that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain by himself.’ John 6:15
There is also a PDF version of this notice sheet, with additional graphics and full colour, which you may prefer for your own use or to pass on to friends and neighbours.
This weeks Bible readings:
- 2 Samuel 11:1-15
- John 6:1-21
Want to listen to the sermon again? Go to our SERMONS PAGE.
As we go back into church for the 10.30 service, we want to make people as welcome as possible. If you would like to be part of the welcome team or help with refreshments after the service, please speak to Jill Shephard or John McKenzie.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Louise and Chris Taylor are hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning Saturday 4th September 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Please contact Louise Taylor ia
ChurchSuite or Jen Cox on

Would you like to have a say?
The General Synod of the Church of England takes decisions and shapes policies which affect the life of UPC and our witness to the nation. We are looking for committed, passionate, orthodox lay people and clergy to stand for election for the next synod (2021-2026). If you want to find out more, please contact Alan Bing on
Prayer Ministry update
The next edition of the UPC Prayer Diary will be available in mid -September. Thank you to all who pray regularly for our church, prayer is vital.
Over the summer the Prayer Team is taking a break, but there are always people willing to pray with and for you. Please speak to a service leader, contact Carolyn or email

Saturday 31st July
Charlie Day and Rachel McLullich would like to invite you to join them celebrating in their wedding. You are welcome to come to the wedding service at 2pm on Saturday 31st July 2021. Let us pray for them as they start their journey as husband and wife.

How DID they do that… in 1866?
Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. This year, Ulverston Parish Church is planning to share in the fun.
On Saturday September 18th join us for “How DID they do that… in 1866?” Our Heritage Day will be set at the completion of UPC’s most extensive renovation and will include displays and talks by heritage craftspeople, with an opportunity for visitors to get hands on! There will be children’s activities, period costumes for dressing up, virtual bellringing and refreshments.
This is a great opportunity for UPC to share our history with our community. To make it happen and to extend a warm welcome to our visitors, we will need willing hands who could spare an hour or two on the day, also contributions of cakes/scones etc.
Please put the date in your diary and let us know if you are able to help. Watch out for more details in the coming weeks. Many thanks Sue McKenzie, Helen Huck and Kristen O’Brien.
Welcome to Ulverston Parish Church. We recognise, that, whilst formal restrictions on face masks, social distancing, track and trace and hand sanitisation are no longer required by law, there will be people attending church who have a range of views, anxieties and needs which we wish to respect.
So, we have put into place the following arrangements for your comfort and security:
- Please continue to use the hand sanitiser, this represents general hygiene (even God’s people carry germs!)
- Feel free to wear a mask if that makes you feel safe. If you choose not to wear one, please be sensitive to the wishes of others.
- If you feel comfortable sitting with others, can we encourage you to use the open pews in the central aisle, we are retaining the pews in the North aisle for those who wish to remain socially distant.
- The South aisle is set up with tables for families or groups who wish to keep in a bubble for social distancing purposes.
- Our understanding is that the virus is most easily transmitted by air, whilst we are now able to sing, we would encourage you to wear a mask whilst doing so as this will reduce the risk to others.
FACEBOOK GROUPS you might find useful
‘Ulverston Parish Church’
‘UPC – Church Family’
‘Faith 4 Furness Families’
‘Self Isolation Ulverston’
We would love to hear from you!
Send your news, encouragements, prayers or pictures to