Sunday 10th October 2021
‘Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’
Matthew 6:33
There is also a PDF version of this notice sheet, with additional graphics and full colour, which you may prefer for your own use or to pass on to friends and neighbours.
This week’s Bible readings
- Psalm 104
- Matthew 6:19-33
Want to listen to the sermon again?
Go to

On Thursday 14th October, we will be having a retreat day for the Furness Mission Community from 10am to 4pm at The Kepplewray Centre. This will be an opportunity for praying, planning and some ‘blue sky thinking’ as the Mission Community comes into being. Lunch will be provided.
We are looking for two members of UPC to join Madi Simpson, Ruth Hutchings and Alan Bing at the day, so that the whole church family is represented. Please contact one of us in you are interested.
Congratulations to Frank Musker on receiving the Royal Patron’s Award for his voluntary work with the Abbeyfield Society. Prince Charles is the Patron of the Society.
Calling all Makers
We had a very successful Christmas Season Makers Market last year. The Dickensian Festival will be our kick off for this season.
Please chat with, or bring your home made items to Linda Polley, Sue McKenzie or Kristen O’Brien.


This teaching day is part of our programme for ‘Growing Disciples’. Previous days have looked at The Gospel, The Bible, Prayer,Mission, The Church, The Kingdom of God, Evangelism, The Sermon of the Mount, The Old Testament, What is Discipleship?, Christian Lifestyle, What is Human? and What is Church History? This year Bishop James will continue the ‘What is…….?’ series with an in depth look at What is Glory?
The aim is to build confidence in the Christian faith, and it is intended to complement the teaching that already goes on so faithfully in our Parishes and Deaneries.
6th November – St Thomas’ Church,. Kendal
27th November – St James’ Church, Carlisle
4th December – Ulverston Parish Church
11th December – St Michael’s Church, Workington
9.30 Arrive
10.00 Session 1
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Session 2
12.30 Lunch
1.20 Session 3
2.20 Prayers
2.30 Depart
Please bring your own lunch. Drinks will be supplied
A CD of the Teaching Day will be available. If you would like to order a copy, please use the sign up sheet provided at the venue, clearly printing your name, address and telephone number. The cost will be £5 per disk and payment should be made on receipt. Payment details will be sent with the CD.
Please register your interest (stating which of the four events you are coming to) by email to or by telephoning the Bishop’s Office on 01768 773430
FACEBOOK GROUPS you might find useful
‘Ulverston Parish Church’
‘UPC – Church Family’
‘Faith 4 Furness Families’
‘Self Isolation Ulverston’
We would love to hear from you!
Send your news, encouragements, prayers or pictures to