(From July 25th 2021)
We recognise, that, whilst formal restrictions on face masks, social distancing, track and trace and hand sanitisation are no longer required by law, there will be people attending church who have a range of views, anxieties and needs which we wish to respect.
So, we have put into place the following arrangements for your comfort and security:
- Please continue to use the hand sanitiser, this represents general hygiene (even God’s people carry germs!)
- Feel free to wear a mask if that makes you feel safe. If you choose not to wear one, please be sensitive to the wishes of others.
- If you feel comfortable sitting with others, can we encourage you to use the open pews in the central aisle, we are retaining the pews in the south aisle for those who wish to remain socially distant.
- The north aisle is set up with tables for families or groups who wish to keep in a bubble for social distancing purposes.
- Our understanding is that the virus is most easily transmitted by air, whilst we are now able to sing, we would encourage you to wear a mask whilst doing so as this will reduce the risk to others.