
We want to be a generous church because we’ve got a generous God. As well as giving our time and our talents, we can also give our money in order to help those in need, support the running of the church and provide for the ministries and projects we run. We are so thankful for those who give generously and faithfully to the church.

Regular giving

The most efficient way to give is directly to the church bank account by standing order. To set this up, please pick up a form at the back of church. If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) then we can claim an additional 25% on top of everything you give through Gift Aid. Please ask us about completing a Gift Aid declaration.

Making a one-off gift

At each service you can put cash or cheque (payable to the Parish of Ulverston) into the offering bag.

At each service there are white “Gift Aid Envelopes” available. If you pay UK tax (income or Capital Gains Tax) then these can be used for one-off gifts and we can claim an additional 25% on top of your gift. Please remember to complete the details on the outside of the envelope. If this information isn’t completed we will be unable to claim tax back from HMRC.

 Alternatively you can give directly to the church account:

Sort code:                 01-08-93
Account number:   56509723
Account name:        The Parish of Ulverston  General Account

If you are in a position to claim back gift aid, please download a gift aid declaration, complete and return to the church office:

Treasurer, Ulverston Parish Church, 20 Church Walk, Ulverston, LA12 7EN.

Further Information

If you would like further information about the opportunities for supporting the church financially, or wish to make a positive response to the church’s financial needs, then view or download the following material.

Stewardship Leaflet

Response form

Standing Order form